CP Air Memories

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank you for looking over my little homage to CP Air i hope it brought back some fond memories or interested you in some way. I'd also like to extend an invitation to you, to leave a comment here and maybe relate some personal memories or experiences you may have had with CP Air for everyone to read, especially if you happen to be a "Pionair".
If you'd like to share the memory of CP Air, please help spread the word about this site and submit this site's link to any related aviation websites, forums or search engines and help keep the memories flying!

This picture of a CP Air 737 with a rainbow behind it, is somewhat of a famous photo amongst fans and employees of the airline and I'd thought i would share the photographer's memory of taking it. The picture was shot by Joe Muff and he writes:

"In August of 1979 i photographed a CP Air 737 in the orange livery, rolling off the active runway 31L and taxiing onto the ramp at Whitehorse Airport in the aftermath of a fairly violent rain squall. If memory serves me correctly, the 737 had to do a missed approach / go-around on its initial landing attempt due to excessive wind shear from the overhead cell.

At the time, this incident also delayed a prompt landing by our own smoke patrol aircraft, a small twin engine machine operated by Alkan Air under contract to Yukon Forestry, which was getting tossed around in that ugly cell upstairs and wanted to get the hell on to some firm ground as soon as possible.

I waded out onto the tarmac in a good 1/2" of standing rain water with my little 35mm Rollei camera and photographed a number of helicopters on the ramp and when the 737 came into perfect position i took this shot with Kodachrome 64 slide film.

Back in those days, a person could actually wander around the ramp without being immediately slapped into irons. The only place that was definitely off limits was the active runway."

The photograph, the best of several taken by Joe that day became so popular the rights to it were acquired by CP Air's Whitehorse office in June of 1985 and made available to employees for purchase.


Anonymous said...

It's good to see these memories kept alive. Thanks for putting this up for all to visit

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the romp through CPAir history. You may know that there was a DC-3 in the orange colours which was used for new pilot evaluation in the '70s and which appeared in some newspaper ads of the era alongside the huge 747. Sorry, I don't have a picture but it would be an appropriate addition to your fine collection.

Anonymous said...

As a now retired CP pilot, I want to thank you for all the work you have done to put this page together. It brought a lump to my throat to see all those airplanes that I spent so many years flying. There was nothing after CP. The food was fabulous, the service was topnotch and the layovers in all those romantic places were to kill for. Things like 4 days in Lisbon, Amsterdam, Rome, Frankfurt, Prestwick, London, and even Manchester. Oh, I loved it.

Anonymous said...

What a walk down memory lane ... I joined Canadian Pacific at YYZAP in 1967 and still remember that first day in the CP Air uniform. As we walked (in a group) from the parking lot to the counter - going past the A.C. counter where they were all making fun of our tan slacks, green jacket & orange vest. At least we got rid of the hats. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Surprised to find this site...my CP time was March 1969 thru 2003 and I have that DC3 in orange livery in front of a 747 at YVR on my wall and I will try to convince the owner of the original to post it....

Anonymous said...

Johnny - You may be "nerdy" for doing this but you've done a lot of CP Air people a great favour. Is there any way you can change the background colour to assist our "old eyes" ?

Anonymous said...

It would be great to take a look at a full CP Air Sched from, say, 1982.

Any chance of that?

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for the lovely memories. Pictures are nice and sharp. Should'nt mark a guy for doing such a fine job (and much appreciated!) but in the first few paragraphs kindly note that the merge in 1987 resulted in Canadian Airlines International - not Can. Intn'l Airlines. Will try and get some more pix for you to add.

Anonymous said...

Really enjoyed your blog site. Worked with CP from 1970 thru 1987 at several different cities in Canada and abroad. Along with being a great airline, it was a great place to work. Thanks for this walk down memory lane.

John Gilchrist - YYZ

Anonymous said...

Those were the days my friend,
We thought they'd never end!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for doing this. It was a lovely walk down memory lane, and brought tears to my eyes. Orange WAS beautiful. I joined CP in 1973 and went through all the changes til 2004. I feel I had the best of times in the airline business, in a time when 'service' was top of the list, and it was a joy to go to work. Thanks so much.

Bev B. YYZ and YVR

Anonymous said...

Thanks for doing the web page on CP Air. I was always proud to work for them, since they were very good to us employees and customers alike. One story we were all particularly proud of is the mystery of the cancelled flight 064 one morning. The flight normally operated Vancouver-Edmonton-Toronto-Montreal using a B727. One morning it was cancelled, with the only explanation given as "no aircraft available".

Later it came to light that a customer service agent had broken his neck in a swimming accident in The Virgin Islands. The local doctors were unable to do more than keep him stable, but the injuries were too bad for any commercial airline to risk accepting him as a passenger. So, CP Air cancelled flight 064, and flew the airplane from Vancouver to The Virgin Islands to get him. The flight held a medical team and some of the agent’s family. They returned him safely to Vancouver, where although confined to a wheelchair, he still lives.

The flight was done without public knowledge and fanfare, even the employees not involved had no idea what was going on. CP never issued any press releases at all, choosing not to capitalize of an obvious PR opportunity. Once word got out, you can imagine the pride we felt. Reader's Digest later published a story. There was much speculation as to the real motive behind this humanitarian act, and maybe some of it is true. But the bottom line is: we did it, and that person is alive today.

Thank you again for the memories.

Anonymous said...

Nice job with the site. I was with CP from 1985 until 1998 and it was a great company in which we all had a huge amount of pride. I'm at Alaska Airlines now and there are a lot of similarities in pride, culture and legacy (minus the awesome international network we had at CP)! Thanks for putting the site together for us all.
G. Saretsky (YVR & YYC Marketing)

Anonymous said...

Thanks Johnny
My time was 1969 thru 1993 with that PWA creation. YXT/YPR/YEG/YYZ
see if you can place faces to these

Ernie...put your hair under that wig now.
E...how come you are wearing 2 coats?
Harry..ice fog..what the hell is ice fog?
Darryl..quite making hair-lip announcements.
Dirk..she was my first...think I'll marry her.
Cpt.John...it's only blowing force 10..the ferry is operating on sked.
Arnold...you guys want any shrimp?
Tim...are sure that wedding gown wasn't tattle tale grey?
Karen...you should see what I did to get this fur coat.
Brian...Bah ! I didn't sign those O/T slips.
Harv...I'll just be over at Swiss Chalet..call if you need a key cut.
Case....they are out the doors...I'll be upstairs making phonecalls.
Erd...she was blocking the TV so I put her head through the door.
Cos...are those dancing shoes under your coveralls?
Pete...my uncle says PWA just bought CP...no way.
Len..is that a 100 or 200 series....oh shit!
TT...what's a HP and V
Pat and Bill...is that a dress or caftan ,dearie?
Rich...let's have that meeting at midnight.
Lou..who needs this crap..I want to be a schoolteacher.
Dom..what?let me check with John.
Deider...you did the right thing.
Tom...Hi guys.
Sylvana...Tony's on the phone.
dave...who taped my phone down?Why me?
Stan...99..back to you asshole.
Bob....he's working his way up to a white woman.
Dave...where's the Brown Cow?
Cpt.?...I'm not leaving...someone ate the bananas.
Load control...let's go out and watch that DC8 scrape it's tail.
Prepare to eat your OD-10.
GP...how about a reach around.
Bruce..lets have a meeting now before the 7am meeting then the 11am meeting before the 2pm meeting.
GD...the only good thing about Friday is that it's just that much closer to Monday.Wish I had spent more time at the office.
Rose...how do you stand that brother of yours?
Don...where's the Pepsi?
Blonde Bombshells...what's a counter stretcher?How do I collect a bucket of propwash?
D....I won't be coming in today...I can't cope.
Mr.D...the belt is broken..get a bagroom..any bagroom.
Ed...I can memorize that OAG.
Carol...I don't want any kids!
Mike..I want to live on a sailboat...for a week.
Commander..pass me the beer for my fruitloops.
got a million of them

Anonymous said...

Great Job.
I worked for CP Air from 1973 to 1979 at YVR. I'll put a link to this site from mine.
Gordon Dupont
System Safety Services

Anonymous said...

Very nice job on the website. Thank you so much for taking the time to do it. I was hired into the back seat of the 747 in 1981 and loved every minute of my work until January 2000. I'm still there but the fun has gone. My Grandfather (Thomas "Buster" Brown) was one of the founding fathers of Canadian Pacific Airlines and it is a proud family heritage. My Dad spent 37 years at Air Canada... so the circle is now complete, as I've worked at both.
I will be back to view the site many more times. Thanks again
Chris Brown

Anonymous said...

My name is Mike and work for Qantas Airways now as a Flight Attendant. Had the pleasure of flying CP Air many times over the years. A great airline and sadly missed...could show Air Canada a thing or two. One query though, I had the extreme pleasure of living and working in YVR for two years in early 1980s for that great fun airline...Pacific Western Airline. Why is there never any mention of the fact that they existed and bought CP AIR to form Canadian. Its quite amazing as its never mentioned. Must say this is a fabulous effort and one that I have saved....love the ORANGE airline and is sadly missed
Cheers Mike Minogue

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the memories. I worked for CP Air and Canadian Airlines from 1973 to 2001 in YXY and YVR. Much like Avis, because we were number 2, we DID try harder, and we believed that the public did recognize the spirit of free enterprise at work while we flew. It was a great company with great people. The don't make'm like that today.


Anonymous said...

Hi, I started working as an aircraft mechanic for CP Air in May 1981. The Vancouver operations centre was the pride of the company back then and a great place to work. There were always different events and promotions going on to keep things interesting and they didn't constantly push for profits above everything else! I still work in that building but how things have changed.. Thanks for bringing back some memories!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations for your efforts. Very well done.

I have been working for Air Canada for more than 35 years now and I always wished that I would have worked with CP Air and then Canadian Airlines. I liked the routes and the crews. I travelled on CP on a couple of occasions and I always was impressed with their crew members (F/A's). Today, although I am still with Air Canada, I have the extreme pleasure to work with some of the ex-CP Air and Canadian Airlines crews and they have not changed. They are still so professional, friendly , classy and it was a great plus to add them to Air Canada no matter what......

Again, congratulations for all your efforts. Grat job!

Anonymous said...

In the early seventies, Captain Ron Wood (recently deceased) was on the ground in Whitehorse on a turnaround with one of our B737's. We got word from the tower that a local pilot in a single engined aircraft was lost and getting low on fuel, trying to return to Whitehorse. Ron immediately delayed the departing flight and with just the first officer, a ground agent named Mike Dixon,(also sadly deceased) and himself took off to find the lost pilot. He flew the B737 around in circles for a while until he made contact with him. He then guided the young pilot back to Whitehorse and then brought the B737 in. The flight then operated, delayed. Once CP Air got wind of this escapade, there was hell to pay as you can imagine. Captain Wood was roasted over the coals for taking an aircraft without permission. What saved him, of course, is that CP Air and Ron Wood were the heroes of the decade in Whitehorse, as showing the true pioneer spirit and saving one of their own. CP Air chose to take no action with Captain Wood - a wise decision in my opinion. What was said to him behind closed doors is another thing, and Ron never said, to my knowledge. Anyone who worked with CP Air in British Columbia back in the early seventies will remember this story, and maybe even be able to correct or embellish it. It's one of my memories, and another reason why the former CP Air employees were always so loyal. We had good reason.

Anonymous said...

How proud and also sad when I was sent this page by a fellow ex CP agent. I miss our days of tight family like friendships, and was always proud to be a representative of this great airline.

Anonymous said...

Hello ...
I too am part of the worldwide airline family. I notice you did not reply to Mike Minogue reference the "merge" of PWA/CPAir.
I too have always thought it sad that other than former PWA folks, no one ever "admits" to the buyout of CP by PWA. I have no idea why. It saved a lot of jobs for a lot of folks for several years.
I enjoyed looking at your site and all the aircraft. Yes, Orange was beautiful; as were the colours of all the air carriers that made up Canadi>n Airlines International Ltd.

Anonymous said...

This site is a true link to my personal past as a CP Pilot and you have done a excellent service to all of the former CP Air employees.


Anonymous said...

They used to say CP Air was a family affair, it was and I miss them all.

Don Honeywill CP Years 1972-1992

Anonymous said...

here are some more memory joggers:

attache...dictaphones and hard cover books...hmmmm..sounds like an idea!
Little Richard...I'll be at the Skyline if you need me.
Wease....I'll be with him...if my Lemon TR4 makes it that far.
Bugsy..quit twisting your hair and wake the hell up.
Ernie is on midnights in Dispatch
Whats Mel doing with Rotundo in the holding gate?
Pete..we better get out of the Empress Lounge before the cleaners get here.
Where's Ian...asleep over at Gate 42.
Bob..no Officer...I have no ID..I'm naked.
Dinner..who needs dinner..the Beef and Grog has great pupus.
CL..do you think there might be too much garlic in this?
YEG staff...careful that Mr S doesn't sneak up on you..the counters are much taller than he is.
TB..let's see YYZ-BUF..thats time for 4 Bloody Marys
Eastern..YYZ-SJU..gentlemen..we are OUT of alcohol.
do you want more?

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed your blog. It brings back great memories. I've been fascinated with jets since my childhood. On your display of the ticket, it brought back vivid memories. My parents moved us from Chile where we flew either the DC10-10 or DC 10-30. However, I remember seeing the words just below the cockpit, "Empress of Lima". So if the log you have on display is correct, then it was the DC10-10. Great memory lane. I have my passport being stapled with the airline and flight number. (May 31st, 1981). Good job on your blog and thanks.

AEC, Holbrook, MA

Unknown said...

I truly enjoyed visting your site. I had the pleasure of flying CP Air several times and have always wondered about the airline's history. Now I know and I thank you for that. I am a tremendous fan of airline and aircraft history and always enjoy a walk down memory lane.

Greg B Toronto

Anonymous said...

...from Dave W., ex-YQH, YUL, and YYZ.
What a superb website and marvellous idea! Keep up the good work.
Among my many reminiscences are the 4 great years spent at YQHAPCP (Watson Lake), where we had a maximum of 2 flts per day, within an hour of each other. If the flt was late we had 2 B737's on the ground at the same time, with only 3 or 4 agts performing all duties, including cargo and res. The OD-10 agt was kept hoppin', juggling 2 forms and taking calls from the Post Office, downline stations, etc. Under the able leadership of VVC, our on-time performance was amazing. With only a 5,000-foot runway we were often maxed out on hot days, with heavy cargo loads, hunter's dufflebags, hides, horns, guns, etc. plus summer vacation traffic. On these days, cons could not travel, even with empty seats.
Somewhere I have a picture of 2 A/C facing each other on the ground there. Will try to dig it up for you.

Anonymous said...

Awesome, greast that someone keeps the memory alive. Flown on:


and Canadian Airlines

Dash 8 YXU YYZ

The last Canadian Airlines flight i took was in Empress class. The best service ever. It was a 767 from LHR to YYZ. The merger to AC was already in progress. The "Goose" Logo was great however doesn't beat the Oranage and red.

Now I fly with the CP DC8 & DC10 on Flight Simulator only,

"Long live CP Air"

Heather Madden-Johns said...

What a great collection of memories and memorablilia!

I hope that everyone is aware of the chance to get together in person in Calgary this summer to share stories and memories at the Canadian Reunion. The reunion will be held August 17 - 19 at the Roundup Centre - and everyone who ever worked for Canadian Airlines or one of the predessesor airlines is invited. The details can be found at: http://canadianpwareunion.blogspot.com/

Hope to see you there!

Anonymous said...

My Father joined CP Air(YYZ)in 1976 as an Electrician in the Building Maintence Dept. He stayed throught the merger with AC and retired in 2004. He was dianosed with Cancer a few months later. He loved the airline and would always reminisce about the good old days while we sat in the Chemo Clinic. He used to joke and say that he would of paid them to go to work! Our last couple of months were spent in the hospital and there was always his family from the airport at his side. Trevor Bickerstaffe passed away on the 23rd of April. I was speechless by the amount of people that came from CP/Canadi>n to pay their respects and to share their own individual stories with us. I feel very proud that my father was part of this great group of people.
Thank you very much for this wonderful tribute to the greatest airline ever.

Jonathan Bickerstaffe

photochan said...

Thank you for the path down memory lane, when airline work was really fun, pay & benefit decent and you usually get upgraded to the "real' first class. remember those? Real champagne in real glass? Everyone treated you with respect.......

I remembered the whole gang having a drink in the Empress Lounge after a particular tough day at the airport. Our supervisors opened the lounge for all the agents to relax. Those were the days.

Oh well, my time was 1979 to 2004. "Retired" with a buyout and full travel benefits. I missed the work, the people but not the Company.

Good luck to all that are still there.

Anonymous said...

Very nice tribute to CP Air.

Anonymous said...

On my first day with CP Air in 1973 I was walking to the Ops Centre to start my training as a passenger agent. It was foggy as YVR can often be on an early November morning. There was a sudden roar of jet engines and as I looked over towards the sound a beautiful orange B747 rose into the air out of the mist. For a young man about to start his new career the sight left an indelible impression about the company he was about to join. Awsome!

I retired from Air Canada in May 2006 and while most of my years in the industry were good my fondest memories are from 1973 to 1987, my Canadian Pacific years. CP Air, you may be gone, but you aren't forgotten.

Ken E

Anonymous said...

Some great memories. I worked for Canadian Pacific Airlines from early 1967 thru CP Air to Canadian then Air Canada and I can't say I'd find a better career anywhere. Retired in 2003 and though I'm glad I retired at that time I did I really miss the people I worked with. Dave H. YVRAPCP YVRFFCP YVRAPCP AND YVRAPAC. Love the stories and I remembered most when they happened.

Anonymous said...

I had the radio on and heard the song "Wrapped Around My Finger". This song always reminds me of flying to New Zealand back when I was a young teen. It was on the audio track on CP Air. Computer was right there so I thought hey why not look at a couple CP Air pics while the song played. Alas your site. Like many things on the net, it's many times bigger and better than I could ever have dreamed. Brought back the memories... even the soaps I would grab from the lavatory to take home. Thank you for making this moment for me.

Anonymous said...

I want to thank you for all the work you have done to put this page together. It brought a lump to my throat to see all those airplanes that I spent so many years flying. There was nothing after CP. Things like 4 days in Lisbon, Amsterdam, Rome, Frankfurt,London,etc...etc...etc... I strated in '79 YVR F/A and now I am in YYZ. I am retiring next year... if I was still with CP Air I would work until I would drop! was "good" to go to work! We were like family, treated with respect. Today we pass by our colleagues and we(they) turn their faces the other way!! I still have all my ties, hat emblems pens cards and recently was able to buy on Ebay a brand new "travelling bag" (White with the CP orange logo, I think from the 60's!
I will always remember CP Air!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Johnny
Would be possible to create a place were we all could publish and share pics from the CP days? Would be interested to see pics from layovers etc...
Thank you for your wonderfull work keeping such a wonderfull "dream" alive!

Anonymous said...

Joined CP Air in 1971 thru to October '85 it was the best job, the best organization and the best friends I ever had. Albeit in Sales it was such a glamourous job to hold and I still even after all these years miss it. I owe so much to CP, I learnt about life and the big outdoors and it helped me grow up, all of my non airline friends envied me, the world was my oyster. Thank you CP

Unknown said...

Claudina Rosa was born during a C.P Air flight in 1975 , and her delivery was attended by my grandmother Rosa Vascope. Unfortunately she past away 2 weeks ago and I don't know how contact Claudina Rosa. We only recived a letter form her 32 years ago.
I wonder if her data could be in CP Air files, but I don't know how to looking for.
Do somebody know a contact email of CP Air?...I really apreciated
Thanks, Bye


Anonymous said...

My Step-dad "Bert Scambler" worked at YVR many years ago in the commissary department. I remember in wonderment the size of the Hanger and Building in general.
After reading all the other comments i must concur that, now in my Adult life I can safely say I have never worked for a company that held such family ideals and where all employees treated each other like relatives (ones that you like!)Whether in Vancouver, Amsterdam or being invited to a BBQ in Nandi.
If someone could bottle the secret and market it, they would be very rich indeed.
Finally, thought I would share with you my most memorable flight ever:
Departed SYD:01/01/77 at 9.00am-the stretch 8 festooned in balloons, streamers and other party paraphernalia.
Arrived in Fiji to refuel ,drop off & pick up passengers etc…,departed Fiji en-route for Honolulu, crossed the I.D.L.& for about an hour and time travelled back in time to 31/12/76!!!! What a New Years Party, Karoke before anyone had heard of Karaoke at 30,000ft above the Pacific.
What a state the aircraft was in when we arrived at Abbotsford!!!
"For Auld Lang Syne CP"

Anonymous said...

have just read a couple of postings from other people that reminded me what a fool i was to leave CP 22 years ago. does anyone have any idea how to contact old employees i would love to know how they are getting on if they are still alive. does anyone remember Roger Van Den Heede he was VP sales and Mktg Europe Mid east and africa in the early 80s would love to know where he is, i know he went back to YVR in 1986. I have some old photos from those YVR courses in the early 70s i might just publish one of them to see if some people recongnize each other. thanks Ken

Anonymous said...

I loved working for CP Air. I was hoping to work for them until I retired. The Airline brought me many close friends. There were times when I felt guilty collecting a paycheck.

Tom Letchford

Anonymous said...

My Name is Karl and i started with CP in 1967..
I retired this year and i love looking at those old pictures..
Brings tears to my eyes

flyingthekoru said...

What a fantastic website. Great work Johnny!
Growing up in Vancouver in the early seventies with a father that worked in Richmond, we would often pick up some fish and chips, go to the end of the runway and watch those enormous orange DC8's scream over our heads. What a thrill for a four year old! That's what sparked my interest in aviation, and resulted in a 20 year career in the airline industry, working for Air Canada (station attendant), Canadian (station attendant), Qantas (flight attendant), and my current position as a flight attendant for Air New Zealand.
We have recently returned to Vancouver, flying non stop from Auckland 3 times a week. On a recent working trip, we pulled into the gate and were surrounded by Air Canada aircraft everywhere. How depressing! I dearly miss seeing the likes of CP Air, Pacific Western, and Wardair airplanes parked on the tarmac. I suppose I'm showing my age, but flying today just doesn't have the magic it used to.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful memories, dreaming of all the long and fabulous layovers
in Acapulco,Mexico city Honolulu,Fidji,Auckland, Sydney,Rome,Athens, Madrid, Lisbon, Estoril,the Acores, Tel Aviv, Amsterdam,Munich,Bangkok, plus all the other interesting cities covered on charters.......
38 years of fun !!!!
Thanks for those pictures, hoping some more will come out of the closets..

Anonymous said...

last person was possibly based in yyz and joined the same year as I. There are very few people that you can actually have a conversation with about our flying days that really relate. We had the best time and the best people...I thank you all!

Anonymous said...

My first ever job I worked for CPAir in Ams from '70 to '74 then moved to YVR. Still today I miss this airline like no other. To em CP means a lot more and wish it could be restarted in the same orange color scheme.
Thank you for creating this web site. I often look at the pictures on airdisaster.com and was not aware of this site.
Looks great.

Anonymous said...

Johnny, great blog, just became aware of it and really enjoyed.
Myself, ex-CP (joined Canadian Pacific Airlines on 1967) at SCL, and who had the most sad experience in my whole career with the airline, to close down the SCL office when AA took over the operations as GSA -The begging of the end of CP-.
Raul Cifuentes jora.cive@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Hi what a wonderful journey back thru time in these photo's ! Of course I remember most of them thru my 4 decades of working YVR.

Remember "Empress" ? CP Air had the best service (and on-board meals)- my Uncle who lived in MRY used to plan SFO/YVR especially to connect with CP 388, YVR/EHAM which he flew frequently. Today you're lucky if you can buy an on-board cookie ! The good old days for sure !

Terry Rea -
Air Traffic Controller - YVR Tower

Unknown said...

Johnny, fantastic website you put together!
Recently Raul Cifuentes, SCL, pointed out your great work to me. It's so nice to see someone putting together our old memories together and noticed few of our old Haneda Airport pictures included.
I worked with Canadian Pacific Airlines in 1965 and retired from Canadian Internatinal Airlines in 1999. Great happy family and customer oriented airlines.

Anonymous said...

Johnny, Thanks for the web-site and blog. Some memories of "my CP Life"
YYCFFCP: -humping freight-counting containers- "We do it at Midnight"
YYCFSCP: "C4 Support" -graveyards at SOCC centre- "What ever possessed you?" " Ctrl-Alt-DEL"
YVRXTCP: Cargo Training - "Dukey"-my mentor where are you?
HNLFFCP: My last stint: "The Aloha Spirit"
Hope to see a reunion in 2008!!
Dan Herrera Sep79-June90

Anonymous said...

I have come across a couple of vintage CP Air serving plates. They are rectangular in shape, with the orange company logo. On the back is stamped, "Made exclusively for CP Air" and they carry different numbers.
The larger one, 8 1/2" by 5 1/2", is in virtually pristine condition. The smaller one, 5 1/2" by 6 1/2", shows some wear but is still in good condition.
If anyone would like to collect these, please call me at 250-339-4171.
-- Jamie

Anonymous said...

Fantastic website of my favourite airline. Growing up in YVR could always count on seeing Big Oranges at the airport. Got to fly B747 to HNL, B727-217 YVR-YOW, DC-8-53 YOW-YVR, and B737 YVR-YXY. Those were the days (even though it doesn't really seem that long ago). Thanks for the images! I might have some to send you, have to dig thru my archives! Thx Sam H/YEG

Anonymous said...

Many good memories and even better ones already forgotten. Thanks for the website.
CRC '81 and beyond
Peter 5312263

Anonymous said...

My dad flew CP from Toronto to Prestwick. It was a charter. Plane was a DC-8. Boy the old DC-8's. Nice to see them on this website. I remember the orange well. My dad also worked for Eastern airlines. The glory days of flying is over. Wished those days were back.

Anonymous said...

Of all the books on aviation that I have written,"Wingwalkers: the history of Canadian Airlines." was by far the happiest to write. When researching it, the airline gave me a couple of passes and I met a lot of wonderful people - from Rhys Eyton to Bob Randall to dozens of air crew and counter staff. What airline employed a full time archivist who meticulously catalogued everything about it - uniforms, photos and cigarette lighters ? I hope all of those priceless artifacts found a good home after the merger.
Years later, I researched and wrote a history of the Canadian Pacific shipping line, just before it was bought up by the German company TUI. That we could allow these two icons that contributed so much to our country's history to disappear, sadden sme.

Keep up the website - Wingwalkers is available from Harbour Publishing, BC.

Peter Pigott

duke said...

Can anyone help me? While doing a family genealogy project I discovered that Bernard Arthur ("Bun") Paget was a bush pilot who flew with CP Airlines at its inception. "Bun" flew with Quebec Airways which became part of the CPA Family on March 24, 1942.

"Bun" died in a crash on Monday January 4, 1943 outside Baie Comeau (Comeau Bay) PQ while enroute to pick up passengers.

The obit (Huntsville Forrester Jan 14, 1943) indicates that Mr. Harold Coates (representing CPA) and Kelly Edmondson (representing TCA) attended the funeral while "Punch" Dickens (a Director of CPA) sent a message of condolence.

Can anyone direct me to where I might be able to access CPA archived information (including pictures) of my 3rd cousin (once removed) "Bun" Paget?

Garry Paget

I thank you in advance.

Anonymous said...

Thank You for allowing so many of us to reflect back to better times. I started with CP Air in YVR in 1975 when flying was really something and Orange truly was beautiful. Over the years Pacific Western was on the tail of my aircraft, then Canadian and now Air Canada. It has been trying at best to go from that to this, having been mortal ennemies in the sky. Nolonger the Family feeling with the caring and concern for an employee. Now I am just a number, working with bare essentials, and doing layovers and back within 46 hours. How things have changed. Miss those choclate cherries we served! Thank you for the memories.

Anonymous said...

Hi !!!! I would like to see the uniforms flight attendants had on 1986, can you post a photo, either male and female.Inside aircraft also, like seats design and magazine onboard. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Don Honeywell said:
It was a family affair.
For Don, it was.
He had a wife in every corner!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the great website. Orange is certainly beautiful and my family misses it dearly. I come from a CPAL family. My father started with CPAL in 1959 as a flight attendant and retired in 1992 as a PSD. My mom joined in 1972 as an agent/interpreter and retired in the late 90's. I was a flight attendant from March 1985 until 1997. It was the best airline, we were a family. Airline travel has never been the same since CPAir left our skies.
An anonymous writer asked to see a uniform picture from 1986. I have my class photo from 1985. I will see if I can upload it.

Benedetti said...

I enjoyed reading (and remembering) many of the story and recognized some of the names. This site has brought back many very fond and dearly missed memories of "the good old days". I wish there had been less anonymous said.. and more real names with real contacts.

I would love to hear from any of my dear friends from may days at CPAir, Canadian Pacific Airlines and Canadian Airlines International. Please feel free to contact me at RJBenedetti@yahoo.com.

Orange truly was BEAUTFIFUL!

Anonymous said...

I've often wondered why the inflight safety trifold brochure found in the seat pockets of the B737 in the early 90's had images of a ballerina and ringmaster exiting the aircraft. In a 19year career with CPAir I never once saw a ballerina or ringmaster aboard.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I would like to see the old CP uniform of the crew, like shirts, belts, ties, scarf, blazer, also....inside airplane seats, general..etc, etc..whatever involves airports, thanks.

Anonymous said...

Day one was September 14, 1970 Prince Rupert Reservations. What a place to get posted to for a Manitoba boy. Anybody out there rememeber the Cp Air Curling Bonspiels. They were the best ever. Many a curling season has passed since the first one I was at. 1971 YVR I believe. 4 guys from YPR and YXT. But a lass all great things must come to an end. However, I am curious where the old trophies have ended up? They were such beautiful trophies, A B C events and old "ZERO LIFT" WHO HAS THAT STASHED IN THEIR BASEMENT. If anyone knows where these items are , I would like to hold a reunion Bonspiel sometime with these old relics, [the trophies that is , not the curlers] I am in Calgary now, retired,and miss the old days and friends. I can be reached at 403 257 1764 or email bill.w@shaw.ca


Brian Walsh said...

I think beat you Bill:
Now YYJ semi-retired !!!
Brian Walsh

Brian Walsh said...

Remember the original CPAir agent uniforms? At YXSAP, our supervisor wanted us to be dress alike while on the counter. We all had to have jackets on or all off.

One day, he admonished us for not being the same, so we all went back to our lockers and retrieved out ghastly vests that we had abandoned within weeks of issue, and came back to the counter all decked-out in orange. He got the point and allowed us to go back to our usual practice of dressing as we each saw fit.

Chris J. Burke said...

What a great site! Thank you!
I have vivid memories still of my 1976 trip to Australia as a wide-eyed 10 year-old. My family and I were essentially cooped up inside a CP Air DC-8 stretch for 24 hours hours as we skipped from Toronto to Vancouver, Vancouver to Hawaii, Hawaii to Fiji then finally our destination of Sydney.
I will ALWAYS remember the sights, the sounds and the SMELLS of that trip.
There was almost a "roughness" to the plane we were in--you could always smell the jet fuel and the raw aluminum exterior that we saw when we entered/exited looked like it had hammer marks or similar on it.
I also remember the turbulence between Hawaii and Fiji. The plane was at one point bouncing like it was on a string and even the flight crew seemed to be wondering if we were ever going to land.
Of course we did land and once in Oz I was sad to leave my smelly, cigarette smoke-infused DC-8 home that I had now grown accustomed to.
Luckily, our trip home featured a CP Air 747 - LUXERY!

Thanks again, wish I had kept all those CP Air models I built as a kid!

Jenine said...

I was reminiscing about my airline days and stumbled across this website. I worked for CPAir/Canadian from 1978 - 2004 (Purchasing, Profit Plan, Financial Analysis, Information Technology & finally Payload). I consider those the best working days of my life so far as I was always proud of the company I worked for.
Jenine Waddington Kalil

Anonymous said...

Hi, I would like to know if there is any photo to post, for the CPAir uniform ground staff used, and also flight attendants, also....any photo from the interior of the aircraft like seats, designs, etc......does someone still have photos to publish and share???

Anonymous said...

My favorite memory of CP Air is of getting coloring books on board the plane and having access to crayons that were completely different from any coloring crayons i could get. It is really refresing and pleasant to be able to see the CP Air logo on the internet in such bright colors and in such high definition even though the airline does not exist anymore. A cool new trend would be to re-vive companies that for some reason or other did not make it in the world for honest companies live on in people's hearts.

Marlie Kelsey said...

My name when I worked for CP Air was Marlle Field and I worked for the company from 1969 to 1986. My husband, Phil Kelsey, started in YXY and was with CP from 1973 to 1998 and retired with 25 years. I started in YVRRM in 1969 and worked there until fall of 1973. I was one of three to be hired and myself and one other girl made it though probation. In 1973 I bid to go up to YXY and the manager did not want a woman working ont he base. In fact there were no women working up north when I bid so I put the company in a rather awkward position. The union by then was very organized and the Manager & Company were forced to create a position for me to go to (since they took a new agent off course and gave him the position ahead of me).They didn't even have a uniform that I could wear at the time and they gave me one of the orange ground hostess uniforms to wear. You can imagine what I looked like. Boots up to my knees, the CP Air parka and the orange dress. I was quite a sight I am sure when I went out and did the ramp.
I worked in YXY for 6 years and worked in all areas. Mostly worked at the Airport doing weight and balance. I did relief supervisory work, base accounting, and worked in the ticket office, cargo, reservations and the airport. Loved every minute of working up north. After I was there for 6 months, the manager, Frank Vikse, did a reversal and hired 6 local women which added a lot of stability to the base. In 1979, I decided it was time to leave. I got the last bid of 5 to YVRRAP where I again worked in OD 10. They called me Sally Field for fun and again I was working with all guys as not too many women either had enough seniority or wanted to work in Weight and Balance. I did OD 10 on the DC 8s, 10s, B747s, B727s and 737s. I also took shifts controlling flights, working in the lounge, meeting and greeting flights, baggage duty and the many other jobs at YVRAP. After being there for a few years, I went to Customer Relations and worked with Phil King, investigating complaints and answering by phone and mail. It was very challenging. After three years, I longed to be back on the front line and went back to YVRAP. In 1985 I had my daughter and retired in July 1986.
I consider myself one of the luckiest people ever to have found a career that I loved, that also allowed me to work with some of the best people I have ever had the opportunity of knowing and which gave me the opportunity to meet my friend and husband Phil Kelsey. I am still in touch with many of my CP Air friends and have been one of the main organizers for the YXYCP Reunion. One of which was held in 2005 and one in 2008. It was a great time to work in the airline industry and I treasure my memories and my CP friends. We were family.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I do remember my trip from Edmonton Int.l to Rome, Italy, on July 1976 (I was just 13); It would be nice to find then CPAir timetable, but it hasn't yet added, so please FIND IT and let me read something about the orange planes I flew. Thank. P.S. I'm writing from Italy where I do live. Bye

Mike said...

The timetable you were looking for has been added.

Jean-Charles Hubert said...

Wow what a treasure trove ! Great informative site on all things CP AIR. I'm an aviation enthusiast and scale modeler and since I first saw a picture of an Orange and red CP AIr B737, i've been thinking about making one in scale. But today, i changed my mind for the DC-10 since a stumble by pure luck, in a thrift store in Montréal, on a pin button made of a picture of a CP AIR DC-10 on a slight bank. That's an impressive aircraft, that big and colorful, it will make for a better scale model) Wish I could post a picture to this site, but don't know how.

Keep up the good work

Anonymous said...

Hi Mike, I have read the timetable I was looking for, tanks for adding; so I recognized that the plane I took from YEG to YYY was a B727, and then the one from YYZ to FCO (with a stop in YUL) was the B747. Congratulations for the great job you'r doing and hope you keep making on more. Bye from Italy. Antonio Fabiano

Chris G said...

What a wonderful website to stir and retain fond memories of a time long past. I joined CP in the mid 70's as an aircraft mechanic in YVR and had the pleasure of maintaining those orange beauties until the transition to Canadian and further on to my retirement with those other guys. I like many have interesting memories of those days although some were more pleasing than others. Tank diving in 4 alt on a DC8 was my least favorite,Trim adjusting the engines manually out at the 08 button in the freezing rain was a close second etc...etc...
Those were the days. They truly were now I think back....

Mike said...

Chris, i'm not exactly sure what "Tank diving in 4 alt" is but it sure doesn't sound pleasant!

Chris G said...

Hi Mike:
4 Alt. was the No.4 Fuel tank on the r/h wing of the DC8 in the leading adge aft of the front spar...It was extremely narrow and confining. The only blessing for a mech is he will eventually outgrow the task as I did....

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

Ralph Baadsvik said...

I absolutely loved working for CP Air. Started in 1976, right out of high school. After a couple of years in Accounting, ended up in Customer Relations working for Phil King (who sadly passed away 2 years ago). Best time/job of my life. We were definitely a family back then. Looking at these photos brings a lump to my throat. My husband, Ralph Baadsvik, began his flying career with CP Air in 1966 and retired in 1997. Thanks for the CP Air memories!
Peggy Baadsvik

Don Watson said...

Amazing web site, which brought back many memories from my late 1960's time with CPA - actually choosing Sandspit as my first posting as a Passenger Agent, then moving on to Prince Rupert. Doing weight & balance sheets, hand writing tickets, tickertape style reservations - memories! From DC6 to the first "Fat Albert" to arrive at our station, wonderful experiences and wonderful people. Cheers!

Anonymous said...

Great website!!!!First time i ever saw a CP Air 747 was at Haneda Airport Tokyo in 1973 i think.I thought to myself(as an airline enthusiast ever since i was born)was WOW...what a beautiful livery!!!And to this day...i dont think any airline comes close to having such a stunning color on a 747.

Anonymous said...

Awesome site! My dad was a CP Air mechanic at YVR when I was a kid. If I begged and pleaded enough he'd take me on his day off to see the planes and we'd tour the hangar. I'd sit in the cockpit of whatever plane I could and pretend to fly. Memorably once while they were towing it out of the hanger. I was pretty sure it was me doing the driving :)Many thanks to all the pilots and mechanics at CP Air and also the BCIT hangar who humored me on those visits and took the time to make a kid's day. I was just telling my partner about it and it was very cool to come across a website with so many pictures to show him.

Unknown said...

Great site! I was in YVR res and District Sales...from '79 to '86 and my fondest memories were from those times. Being on the first DC10 to Rome and regular weekends in HNL! I was always so proud to be part of the airline - fabulous place to work. Who remembers the launch of Attache service?
The staff under Judy Gray at res and Frank Suto and Stan Sierpina at District Sales. Too many fun times to mention.
Thanks for the work you've put into the site.
Darlene Tait (Cornelson)

Anonymous said...

Well, what can I say that hasn't been said so far. I started with CP Air in October of 78 and retired with AC in 2004 in the Hangar at YVR. I recognize some on this blog and I have to add that those times were the greatest. We had a great family atmosphere that I miss even today. Can anyone remember the "unstrike"? Drop me a line if anyone wants to reminisce.
Carl V

Anonymous said...

I started work with CPA in Sept. 1953 in Edmonton. In 1963 I took a six year hiatus. Returned to the airline business in 1969 with PWA and retired from there in 1986. I have very fond memories of my years at YXD

James (Jim) Menk
June 24 2010

Anonymous said...

Well...what a treat to stumble upon your site. I was a stewardess with CP from 1964-1971. So many fun memories, plus a few sad ones. Loved flying the DC3 and the Convair. The things we did back then would get us all fired today - but what a great outfit to work for. Lots of old pictures - where do we post them?

Anonymous said...

I always remember when we got into Schipol Airport from the middle east and when I saw the silver and orange, be it The Empress of Victoria, or Vancouver, that we were pretty well home. Also plates and silverware , and free poured drinks. All of this in economy. A great airline, with great people. What fantastic memories, Mike Dobrensky, Calgary,Ab

Anonymous said...

I found this site tonight while looking for a CP Air logo to add to my father's obituary. Dad, Gordy Richardson, flew for CP for over 32 years, starting in 1954 and retiring off the 747 in 1986. He was based in Lima, Peru for 2 years, flew BC district for much of his career, and ended flying overseas.He loved the work and the people. I started as an agent in 1979 working in YXY and then YVR leaving the Gemini Group in 1991. Both my brothers are pilots with Air Canada, one with CP Air roots, my sister is a flight attendant and my husband is in maintenance in YVR. Dad loved his career so much we all followed him into the business! I'm sure many of you knew and remember Dad and I hope you smile as you remember what I know were some of the best days of his life.
Carol D


One memorable character was our YPR base engineer Peter. His favourite line was: I don’t get paid for what I do – I get paid for what I know. How true. Most of his time was spent drinking coffee.

Once Peter was away on vacation and line engineer Murray Johnson was filling in. One wintery evening, with the outbound passengers loaded, the weather turned and we had to deice.

The deicing apparatus was a tank of heated glycol on a small trailer, with a small gasoline engine to run a pressure tank for the spraying. Murray was unfamiliar with this contraption, and as an agent, I hadn’t a clue - But how difficult could it be? I drove the tug pulling the trailer and Murray sprayed the first wing. With the slippery ground, I drove very slowly around to the other side.

Just as Murray was about to resume spraying, we heard a loud pop-hiss-spray. Evidently, unknown to both of us, there was a control device that needed to be toggled to prevent pressure build-up when the spraying was not taking place. Oops.

Now we had a full load of Vancouver-bound hopefuls on a half-deiced plane with no way to complete the job. Or did we? I suggested that we could throw the heated fluid over the wing with a bucket. Great says Murray. Now - how to get the heated glycol out of the tank’s small top opening and into the bucket. All that I could find small enough to dip into the tank was a coffee cup belonging to our vacationing base engineer Peter. With perplexed faces watching us through the aircraft windows, we accomplished the job to Murray’s official satisfaction and approval.

We never mentioned to Peter how we had employed his coffee cup while he was away.

Inge said...

Awesome site ! I worked for CP in AMS from '79 till we shut down the station in '91. Many wonderful memories and I learnt a lot. Most of all it has given me an unbreakable connection with Canada and it's great people.
Still have many ex-CP colleagues amongst my friends.
Inge Zegwaard
( now with LH in NYC )

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the memories. I handled Canadian Pacific in Amsterdam from 1956-1959 and worked for CP at YUL from 1961-1994. Those were wonderful years with wonderful colleages. Many times I flew in those planes in the jumpseat as the flites were full.
My greatings to all former employees.
Wouter Hobe.

Anonymous said...

A comment on two things in this blog.

I was happy to see the photo as I have a copy on my wall every since '82...I was actually unaware that it was Joe Muff that took the picture, as I got it from a friend at CP in YXY. Cool

Also a note about the Capt Ron Wood adventure when he took the 737 aloft to rescue the C-172 pilot. That Pilots name was Doug Phillips and he was recently appointed Commissioner of the Yukon after many years in the Territorial Legislature.

Anyway I remember those days of CP rather fondly growing up in Whitehorse. What a great company that was.

Linda Redmond said...

I just found out about this site and thought some of your would like to know that I have created a documentary about my father, Chief Pilot,Captain CN Sawle who was the co-pilot on the first Davilland Comet Mark 1 on its inaugural flight home which crashed in Karachie Pakiston in March of l953. I also saw his picture on the site standing beside the Empress of Sydney .. the first flight to the Pacific which he was the pilot. In the film there are many references to Grant McConachie also. Although this is a family story the aviation history is a major part of it. I would be delighted if anyone wanted to see this and I do have extra copies of the DVD. I have also contacted one of Grant McConachie son's and will be send him the film to view .. lots of pictures of early flying ..I see there is also a post from Peter Piggott who I was searching for last year ..my father is mentioned in some of his books.

Take a peek athttp://www.heirloomfilms.ca/new-releases/the-sawle-story

Linda Sawle Redmond, daughter, of CN Sawle.. lindaredmond331@gmail.com

Leslie said...

My dad worked for CP Air in Richmond for close to 40 years, he was a sheet metal mechanic & boy did he love his job. He invented a new cargo bin before he retired in 1986. My dad's name is Robert Edward Kittson & he still has fond memories of the time he worked there & all the friends he had. He is still living & will be 90 years old this July.

Anonymous said...

Hey everyone, I never worked for C.P. but I loved the airline, and still miss it when i fly. I have fond memories from being a teen and flying the airline's DC-8 and 737 between Winnipeg and Toronto. Perhaps my fondest memory of flying is of flight 72 on July 28, 1978, a 737 service from Winnipeg to Toronto, actually the flight route was Van-cal-Wpg-Tor-Ott with 20 minute station stops at each point. It was a lunch flight, a cold plate with ham and chicken. The FAs were awesome, beautiful efficient and hard working, they could show some of these Fa's a thing or two these days...a beverage service is exhausting really? Try and serve a hundred people a full lunch, with drinks before and coffee after, while getting the galley's ready for landing in Toronto all within an hour and a half.

I even recorded flight announcements from that flight, the safety demo, greetings...

I was on a Canadian flight before they were taken over by the "other" carrier, I was in the galley waiting for the lav and saw the familiar C.P. logo embossed on the galley food chests...it was cool.

You guys were great...still miss that level of service and class in the air!

NZhostie said...

I remember as a young kid in the 1970's my dad used to take me out to the end of runway 26/08 in YVR and watch those beautiful orange and silver stretch DC8's scream down the runway. I don't think that there was a fence around it at the time (could be wrong there), and they would seem to rotate right at the end of the runway and roar overhead, scraping for height and leaving a black smokey trail behind. What a thrill! At the age of two, my family took us all to HNL in a DC863. Unfortunately, that was the only time I flew with CP.We usually flew Wardair for holidays. However I went on to work for Air Canada and Canadian as a station attendant. Even in the early nineties, some of the ground equipment was still orange! I've since gone on to work for Qantas as a F/A. and currently fly for Air NZ. It saddens me when we fly into YVR and all you see is Maple Leaves as far as the eye can see. Air Canada was a lousy company to work for, they treated their staff with little respect. Canadian still had that CP flavour, with a bit of PWA effeciency added in...I enjoyed working there.

KP said...

In YXY we were always hearing about the great YYE "training" films projected onto to backside of the (we can only hope) closed ops room door during flight stopovers.

Then there were the stories heard on initial training in YVR:


Upset Pax: "You are one of the rudest agents I've ever met!"

Agent (having famous last name, standing onto baggage belt and looking down with disdain): "Madam, I am THE rudest agent you've ever met!"


Famous author (in need of a pin prick): "I need a ticket."

Tkt Agent: "(recognizing famous author) Your name, sir?"


"Is that your first name or last name, sir?"

Likely millions more, and better, stories held by others. Great to read in the blog some familiar names from my fondly-remembered time in YXY.

Anonymous said...

My name is John and I work for Lufthansa in Germany.I was born and raised in Edmonton,my mother is from Germany.In the 70's I had the chance to fly with CP Air's stretched DC 8's from YEG to AMS on several occassions and later to FRA with the 747.I always loved this airline and their great service and beautiful orange aircraft.Back then aicraft had that distinctive "scent" when you boarded and I was excited everytime I got on board.There was no real inflight entertainment,nothing for a young kid really to do,but I just loved looking out the window and hearing the roar of the engines(and admiring the pretty flight attendants).I sure miss the site of this great airline at airports anywhere. Flying may be more comfy nowadays,but the lasting memories are surely from the yesteryears.Thanks for a great website.

Clary said...

What a wonderful site to come across...I slept, ate, dreamt,loved, worked for CP Air for 14 yrs from 1977-1990 at Spl Ams. The airport was home . I have kept 3 good friends from CP all these years , worked for Pan Am, Delta, but was never with the same enthousiastic group !!!
Thank-you CP, Clary

Anonymous said...

CPAirlines is in my blood. In 1980 I studied to become a travel agent. Wasn't long after being hired I selected my favourite airline - CPA. The reps came to call on us and left us with feelings of appreciation of our work on their behalf. The other major carrier left us with feelings of inferiority and it was our privilege to work as their agents. Big mistake!!
In 1985 I opened my own shop and my CPA rep brought the entire collection of the Porvinces, Yukon and the Territories limited prints which we had framed and proudly displayed for all (AC) to see. My res. sysstem became Pegasus and later Galileo. And the CPA love affair lives on.
I'm in the processof downsizing and must sell my prints of which 6 are left. Anyone interested? periwynk@shaw.ca
Thanks for the opportunity to tell of my happy experiences with THE BEST Airline in the Industry!

JLee said...

Thanks for putting up this site.It brings back some great momories. My dad worked in the Engine Overhual dept at YVR for almost 30 years before retiring in 1992 and ultimately passing away in 1996. His name was Harvey Lee. I still remember him taking me in the hanger at YVR many times and I got to see those big orange planes. Such great memories. Its honestly why today orange is my favorite colour and why I've been a fan of the Philadelphia Flyers since I was very young. All because I loved those planes.

Marg Cleven said...

I belong to the Facebook group CP Air. I see you had a reunion in 2007 have there been any since then as people on Facebook would like to go to one?

Marg Cleven

Anonymous said...

I can't believe I cam across this site. I grew up going to YVR for many years. my dad worked on the ramp at YVR for 30 years and my Grandfather was a sheet metal foreman in YWG as well as YVR he retired in 1970 and my dad retired in 1989. I still remember flying in the stretch 8's and sitting in the last row and on a tight turn you could look right into the cockpit.

WeeMama said...

I am putting together a memory book of my Mother's teenage trip with 2 girls she met via CP Air Employee magazine. they Travelled Europe in 1961 then wrote an article for the magazine (which I have). The article is titled "Plusing to Europe is Easy" by Carole Anne Dye. her father was a Passenger agent at Fort William, Mary Robinson whose Dad was an Inspector in Maintenance in Winnipeg and Joan Yerby (my mother) who father Charles Yerby was a Lead Electrician at the Dorval Maintenance Base.

Any details regarding these other two ladies, or a copy of the magazine article would be fantastic.


WeeMama said...

I am putting together a memory book of my Mother's teenage trip with 2 girls she met via CP Air Employee magazine. they Travelled Europe in 1961 then wrote an article for the magazine (which I have). The article is titled "Plusing to Europe is Easy" by Carole Anne Dye. her father was a Passenger agent at Fort William, Mary Robinson whose Dad was an Inspector in Maintenance in Winnipeg and Joan Yerby (my mother) who father Charles Yerby was a Lead Electrician at the Dorval Maintenance Base.

Any details regarding these other two ladies, or a copy of the magazine article would be fantastic.


Anonymous said...

what a great way to remember
CP Air.orange was beautiful,
I do have that 747 orange
model,and large poster of acft
best wishes to all out there
mary,bajic with merger still
making deposit to our pension
plan..take care all

david Brown said...

I joined Canadian Pacific Airlines Maintenance in Edmonton as a youngster in 1958,the based closed in 1959 and most employees moved to Vancouver. Really enjoyed the Piston aircraft, then the Brits, the Jets changed the airline for ever.The 60,s and 70,s were wonderful times.So many wonderful people made up this Airline and worked so hard to make it what it was.It was a sad day when I retired in 1995,but still have so many great memories of that Airline.

Anonymous said...

I have a lot of fond memories of CP Air. The many years that the families of mechanics (like my dad) spent camping together every summer. My dad left a legacy of photos which I am slowly working through. Thank you for this site you've done a great job.

Anonymous said...

My first international flight was with my mother, I was 15 - we departed Sydney Australia on CP 302 January 5th 1976 bound for Nadi Fiji...spent 14 days vacation and flew back on CP301 on 18th January... I remember in Sydney being excited about the flight which I though was gong to be be on a jumbo 747. When we boarded a skinny DC8 - I though t oh no bit scary. We enjoyed the meal and service..and also met some fun Canadians on our trip wonderful memories. Great to see this website and got to check out the old timetable.

Anonymous said...

Hello all fellow CP'ers!
A quick note, I'm looking for stories, notes, information and or photos about Captain Ron McNeilly. He was my father in law and as I understand, he was the number 2 senior check pilot for CP at the time of his retirement (in the 80's?) My understanding was that he flew with the airline for the bulk of his career. I heard many stories about his travels and trips abroad but would love to learn know more by those who flew with him. Can anyone assist me in filling in the blanks? He had a true love for the airline, flying and aircraft he flew. His son is now carrying on the proud tradition and flying commercially in the lower 48 states.Though like many have mentioned above, flying is not the glamorous career it once was! Any assistance you can provide would be greatly appreciated. These stories are important and should be passed down to his grandchildren...at least the G rated stories :) As for stories that might be PG or better, I'm sure his son would get a kick out of those as well :) Your assistance in this project is much appreciated! Such an amazing website! Thanks for all of your hard work!
Please contact me at the following email: kreisch@eecpeo.com

Anonymous said...

Hello all fellow CP'ers!
A quick note, I'm looking for stories, notes, information and or photos about Captain Ron McNeilly. He was my father in law and as I understand, he was the number 2 senior check pilot for CP at the time of his retirement (in the 80's?) My understanding was that he flew with the airline for the bulk of his career. I heard many stories about his travels and trips abroad but would love to learn know more by those who flew with him. Can anyone assist me in filling in the blanks? He had a true love for the airline, flying and aircraft he flew. His son is now carrying on the proud tradition and flying commercially in the lower 48 states.Though like many have mentioned above, flying is not the glamorous career it once was! Any assistance you can provide would be greatly appreciated. These stories are important and should be passed down to his grandchildren...at least the G rated stories :) As for stories that might be PG or better, I'm sure his son would get a kick out of those as well :) Your assistance in this project is much appreciated! Such an amazing website! Thanks for all of your hard work!
Please contact me at the following email: kreisch@eecpeo.com

Anonymous said...

Hello all fellow CP'ers!
A quick note, I'm looking for stories, notes, information and or photos about Captain Ron McNeilly. He was my father in law and as I understand, he was the number 2 senior check pilot for CP at the time of his retirement (in the 80's?) My understanding was that he flew with the airline for the bulk of his career. I heard many stories about his travels and trips abroad but would love to learn know more by those who flew with him. Can anyone assist me in filling in the blanks? He had a true love for the airline, flying and aircraft he flew. His son is now carrying on the proud tradition and flying commercially in the lower 48 states.Though like many have mentioned above, flying is not the glamorous career it once was! Any assistance you can provide would be greatly appreciated. These stories are important and should be passed down to his grandchildren...at least the G rated stories :) As for stories that might be PG or better, I'm sure his son would get a kick out of those as well :) Your assistance in this project is much appreciated! Such an amazing website! Thanks for all of your hard work!
Please contact me at the following email: kreisch@eecpeo.com

Anonymous said...

I worked for CP Air from 1975 to 1983 in YULAP, YYZAP and YVRAP. Since then I have had many jobs but those were the best years of my working career. The airline world was a world unto itself and CP really did have a family atmosphere within that world. Thanks for this blog - great memories!

Anonymous said...

Good work.

A small correction - the 727-17's were registered CF- and C-F, never C-G.


Unknown said...

My dad started working for Yukon Southern in 1939.After his war service he returned to Edmonton in 1946.At that time he joined Canadian Pacific Airlines and stayed there until his retirement in 1978.My dad was very proud of the company.

Unknown said...

My dad started working for Yukon Southern Airlines in 1939.After his war service he returned home to Edmonton in 1946.He stayed with CP Air until his retirement in 1978.Dad was extremley proud of Canadian Pacfic Airlines.

Unknown said...

Started with CP AIR IN 1967.Worked as a passenger agent at YVR IN 1975 TILL 2000.Watching TV last night,there was a program about Margaret Trudeau,when a flashback came to me. I was working the departure of an Ottawa flight where we were missing a mother and child,ran from the gate to check in .On the way I was confronted by a young woman and small child and many bags.The lady asked me if I could put the child on my shoulders and run to the aircraft whilst she carried the bags.
40 odd years later, it came to me that I was carrying the future Prime Minister of Canada on my back,Paul Goodman.

Anonymous said...

Good story Paul, I'll bet Justin would love it too. Cheers!

Unknown said...

I worked for CP Air in In-Flight Service Dept. under Reg Sargeant, in 1960/61, when I left to move to Whitehorse. My brother Cam Cross, spent more than 30 happy years as a Pilot, stationed in Vancouver,Montreal and Lima, Peru. He ate, slept and breathed flying and it was hard to get him to talk about anything else - he loved his job and the company so much - me too. Remember so well, Grant McConnachie. all 6 foot something of him, walking in for his lunch at the cafeteria lots of times. He set the tone for a wonderful, friendly atmosphere to work in for sure.
Love to see more personnel pictures...............Sherry Regimbel (Cross)

Anonymous said...

I accepted a bid to. YYZFFCP from August 1996 until I joined CP Express/Airpac in 1976. Those 7 years were the best years on my
life as far my employment was concerned. we did things and were responsible for things that would not be to be done today both because
of regulations or company policy. Thank you all for that experience. Agent number

Jim Blower said...

Can anyone help me identify a logo. I have a photograph,taken of my father, probably in Edmonton, Alberta in the 1940's. He is sitting in the pilot seat of a small aircraft that has a logo on the outside of the aircraft,of a Canada Goose, in flight, which is embossed over a large circle. Logo is probably blue and grey in color, but hard to tell as the photo is black and white). Would like to know what airline company. Also, two other individuals in photo, who look like they are connected to the aircraft, but will deal with that identification once I have a company name. jimblower@shaw.ca

Unknown said...

I worked for CP Air from 1969-1976 in Purchasing then in Flight Training then again 1979-1982 in Maintenance and Engineering. Then moved to Ottawa for 6 ms then to Okanagan. CP Air was a great company and I have many find memories of the time I worked there. I loved the orange!

Unknown said...

I worked for CP Air from 1969-1976 in Purchasing then in Flight Training then again 1979-1982 in Maintenance and Engineering. Then moved to Ottawa for 6 ms then to Okanagan. CP Air was a great company and I have many find memories of the time I worked there. I loved the orange!

Unknown said...

Hello I worked for CPAir in the office in Richmond BC... 1983 to 1987 I have been researching to see if i am entitled to any pension.. I called the Air Canada Pension office and they have no record of me.. if anyone out there has any information that would help me in this search.. it would be greatly appreciated... BTW I loved reading everyones stories on this blog.. yes brings back beautiful memories... the staff on flight were always fabulous.... thank you..

Terry said...

I flew lots with CP in the 60's to 80's when I worked for IBM. I used to enjoy the Kanata Coffee in business class on DC8's to Toronto and back to Edmonton or Vancouver. Does anyone have a recipe for Kanata Coffee? Terry.Wright@telus.net

Terry said...

I just attended a Celebration of Life for Beverley Rose (Chief Stewardess/Flight Director, etc) in Vancouver - anyone remember her? Terry.Wright@telus.net

Terry said...

I just attended a Celebration of Life for Beverley Rose (Chief Stewardess/Flight Director, etc) in Vancouver - anyone remember her? Terry.Wright@telus.net

Johnny N. said...

I never flew with CPAir but I knew an ex-CPAir captain (later flew with Air Canada from where he eventually retired). The gentlemen's name was Bob Palmer, probably the nicest and kindest person I ever knew. One day I mentioned to Bob that I am an 'Airplane Nut' and happens to be a big fan of the DC-8 series - 'Did you ever fly those?' Bob just smiled at me and a couple of days later handed me a pile of DC-8 series 60 Flight Manuals (cockpit procedures, autopilot manuals etc)... 'So you like the DC-8, huh? Well there you go!'

Bob passed away about a year ago. As I said, probably the kindest person I ever knew.

Cynthia said...

I have just come across this wonderful blog, and have been delighted to read the comments from those who worked for CPAir.

My father, Hugh Bell, worked in sales in the London UK office. I can't tell you how long he was there, but to me it seemed as if he had been there forever, I was born in the 50's and I'm sure he was there then, and he was at Gatwick airport until he retired. Sadly he died in 2012 at the age of 95. I remember he used to travel to Europe, eg, Hungary, Chzeckoslovakia, also Israel and Vancouver quite a bit. He would always bring me a doll from each country which I loved and had quite a collection. He knew a lot of cabin crew and obviously ground staff. We flew to Canada on CP from Amsterdam, and I did that journey alone aged 15.

It's funny how you measure todays air travel by Canadian Pacific standards, I always think it was the golden age of flying, and nothing comes close to it nowadays. Lovely memories.

ClickInks Discount Code said...

My dad worked at the CP air in late 70s and he really ogt nostalgic when I showed him these pictures. You've done a great job by sharing these here.

Anonymous said...

Any one out there from our YVR 1973 class?
Would love to hear from you all 🙏🏼
Françoise Roger

Anonymous said...

Joined CP in Vancouver in Aug 1969. After 3 week course for a Passenger Agent limited postings available so 6 from the class decided to go YYZFFCP. That was Wednesday and we arrived at our posting Friday afternoon. Spent 7 years at YYZFFCP. Got married in August
1973 and we had our Honeymoon in HKG. Agent #4.

Unknown said...

I immigrated to Canada in 1975. CPAir Flight 402 from Narita to Vancouver on a Boeing 747. This is why I love CPAir to this very day.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone have info and photos of CP Air Flight from AMS to YEG. There was a bomb threat written on a lavatory mirror. They parked the aircraft at the end of runway 02 and proceeded to disembark passengers using PTVs. It was a DC 10 30......

Thank you for your help and .memories....

Anonymous said...

In 1975 I worked in the flight kitchen In Toronto. Restocking aircraft and making up the bars. the best time I had, would love to see some pictures from back in the day. Catering trucks,
the ramp as it was, CP hotels flight kitchen...billsauto6@gmail.com

Jeff K. said...

When did the change to the iconic orange livery take place? Was it deployed all at once?
My mother came to Canada on the Tokyo-Vancouver route in Dec 1969. I distinctly remember that plane being orange. But my father came to Canada on the Tokyo-Vancouver in March 1969.

Does anyone know if the the jets flown in March 1969 was orange, or the previous design....which I believe was the vintage navy blue with the canada goose?

Also, does anyone know what the model Boeing was used for the Tokyo Vancouver? Would it have been the Boeing 737 or a DC model?

Thanks in advance for anyone who can clarify the above queries.



Anonymous said...

When I was around fourteen, in the year 1984, my cousin, who was an Aircraft Mechanic with CP Air, took me on a tour of the Vancouver, BC Hanger. I still remember seeing a nearly band new DC-10-30 shimmering in the pristine hanger. From that moment, I instantly fell in love with aviation and big orange. After completing High School, I trained to be an Aircraft Mechanic. Eventually, my cousin left Canadian Airlines for employment at WestJet. I moved south of the border in order to work for a big American Airline. Despite all of that, I still keep a picture of that CP Air DC-10 on my wall in order to relive that magic day.

jimrhall@gmail.com said...

In reference to your post above dated, March 25, 2007, I was the ATC Tower Unit Chief at the time and was on duty the day the light aircraft got lost and the CPA B737 went looking for him. We controlled them both. There is more to the story.
I recently wrote a book of my ATC and Flying experiences and this is one of the stories in detail as seen from the tower.
Title of my book is “Tower Tales” by Jim Hall and is available on Amazon.ca in digital reading.

Dave Welham. ex YQH, YUL, YTORR said...

I seem to remember hearing from old CP Air folks, now long gone I'm sure, about a baby born on our flight HKG-HND-YVR. Probably back in the 1960's. The story was that this new psgr. got free travel on CP. Does anyone know if that baby, now probably elderly, is still around and what the name was, or any other details?

Anonymous said...

We had a flight from Amsterdam to Toronto to Honolulu to Nadi
The flight was on 21 June 1987
I was a teenager and that was „the voyage of my life“. It was incredible long flight.
Fiji was the end of the world for me.

I have some questions cocerning the flight with CP Air.
Do you know which airplanes are used fort hat flight?
I meant the callsign and the aircraft type.
Probably the pilots name oft hat flight?

Is there in general a database for all flights an airline did?

It would bea really great if you could help me in any way, I did not made any photos and want to have some memories oft hat flight.

Best regards Daniel

Shannon Eastveld said...

It's actually because of CP AIR's flight from YYZ to YYC in 1981 that had an engine failure that I am now a soon-to-be flight instructor. I was 4 and then you could travel just with a stewardess. The pilots were amazing and let me see the cockpit and even though I wasn't allowed to stay in for the ride, my stuffed lion was.
We switched out aircraft after having to make an emergency landing. Eventually we made it to YYC and when I went to get my Lion, the FO told me that he (the lion) flew the plane. Being the skeptical 4 yr old as Iwas, I asked the Captain - "really?!" - And he turned, looked at me (I have never forgotten this entire experience from start of boarding to being in YYC terminal), and he said, "yep, and he did a really good job too!". It was the first time I could ever remember anyone in my entire 4 years of life talking to me, and not down or at me. He brought me in to his world and I will never forget that moment. I knew then this is what I wanted to do.

And so, it took a bit longer and 3 kids (2 named after phonetics) before I was able to get here but thank you to the two amazing pilots and the amazing stewardess (I'm super dating myself) who helped me on that flight realize my dream. It's been 14 years now since being privately licensed, 4 since cpl, and 10 hrs away from the Class 4.

As an aside, today at a randomn antique store I have passed by for the last 4 yrs in Airdrie, AB, I decided to go in. I found a CP Air 737-200 model kit. Yes of course I bought it and then found this blog.

I thought about those pilots over the years and always wished I could tell them how much they affected my life and how grateful I am to them for being so nice and treating me like a normal person and not some bratty kid. Hahaha.

Thanks guys. You made this girl a memory and a story she still tells. Much to her 3 kids, and future students' dismay. Haha

Never doubt how much impact you have on a kid. Even one from Ontario to Alberta.

Best skies ahead! ✈️

Susan Moore said...

I wish I could leave a photo. My grandfather was Reginald Sargeant, CPA Passenger Service Director as mentioned in Sherry Regimbel's post. I have an article that would be fun to post. He was a wonderful grandfather, and was all things "service" till the end, although I suspect he may had been a bit of a hard-ass at work :)

Anthony Herben said...

In 1979 I was stationed in YQH shortly after I got married. flew to YXS for a meeting. On my return to YXS airport, I stopped at a pet shop and bought a kitten (my wife loves cats). I did not have a kennel to put him in, so I carried him on board the aircraft. The flight was not full so I sat in the last row of the B-737 aircraft, with the kitten in his own seat. The flight attendants loved him and one flight attendant put him in the pocket of her apron and brought him to see the cockpit crew. On the way back up the aisle to the rear of the aircraft, the kitten stuck his head out of the pocket for all passengers to see. They all loved him. This is how crew members at CP Air cared for passengers and pets alike. They were very compassionate.

I would like everyone to know that I spent 20 years researching about CP Air because I loved the company I worked for so much. I wrote a book called "Empress of the skies, the History of Canadian Pacific Airlines". If anyone is interested in purchasing a copy, see the CP Air Facebook page for information.

Anthony Herben

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know who maintains this excellent website? I can't find any "Contact" info in the "About" link. A few comments are addressed to "Johnny" but can't see any reference to who that is.

I spent 25 years with CP Air and Canadian Airlines from 1969 through 1994. Lots of good memories.

Ken P.